Sokolova Gari Villa-Landa

She holds a degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and master degrees in environmental management, cooperation projects and water law. She is developing a PhD on regulation of water services.
Since October 2022 she is the Senior Water Policy Advisor at EurEau (European Federation of Water Services). Previously, during 8 years, she was Head of International Affairs at AEAS (Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation). She has worked on several water-related legislative processes (Drinking Water Directive, Water Reuse Regulation) and currently on Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. She also follows taxonomy, water scarcity and droughts, water governance and water resilience. She was a member of the Steering Committee of the OECD Water Governance Initiative and of the ISO/TC 224 WG 14 working group on corporate governance of water services; and co-Chair of EurEau’s Committee on legal and economic affairs.